Esophageal variceal bleeding but portal hypertension (2 ~ 6mmHg above), especially in patients with liver cirrhosis is the main cause of death. When the portal pressure> 12mmHg, prone to varicose bleeding, such as portal pressure automatically or by drug treatment to 12mmHg below the risk of bleeding disappear. Pressure gradient across the liver (P) = portal flow (F) by vascular resistance (R) across the liver. Most cases of portal hypertension are due to increased portal resistance in the portal system. Polio concluded that the risk of esophageal variceal bleeding was parallel to the varicose vein wall tension (T), directly proportional to the transmural pressure (Ptr) and the varicose vein radius (r), and to the varicose vein wall thickness (W) = Ptr.r / W). Based on these pathophysiological considerations,