【本刊讯】2008年10月6日,《J.S.巴赫钢琴作品音乐会暨中国—奥地利联合音乐大学开学庆典》在中国音乐学院新落成的音乐厅隆重举行。庆典音乐会演出由萨尔茨堡莫扎特音乐与表演艺术大学Klaus Kaufmann教授、Andreas Weber教授与中国音乐学院钢琴系、管弦系
On October 6, 2008, “J.S. Bach Piano Works Concert and China-Austria Joint Music University Opening Celebration” was held ceremoniously at the newly-completed Concert Hall of China Conservatory of Music. Festival concert by Salzburg Mozart University of Music and Performing Arts Professor Klaus Kaufmann, Professor Andreas Weber and the Chinese Conservatory of Music Piano Department, Department of Orchestra