各省、自治区、直辖市建委(建设厅)、各计划单列市建委: 为进一步加强小城镇建设专项贷款的管理,充分发挥其促进小城镇建设发展的作用,中国农业银行下达了《中国农业银行小城镇建设专项贷款管理暂行规定》(农银发[1997]145号,以下简称《暂行规定》),现予转发。
Construction Commission of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government (Construction Department) and city planning committee of each city under separate planning: In order to further strengthen the management of special loans for the construction of small cities and towns and give full play to their role in promoting the construction and development of small towns, the Agricultural Bank of China issued the “Small Towns of Agricultural Bank of China Provisional Regulations on the Construction of Special Loans ”(ABC [1997] No. 145, hereinafter referred to as“ Interim Provisions ”) are hereby forwarded.