Many sets of the soliton and periodic travelling wave solutions for the quadratic χ(2) nonlinear system are obtained by the B(a)cklund transformation and the t
Aluminium nitride (AlN) films grown with dimethylethylamine alane (DMEAA) are compared with the ones grown with trimethylaluminium (TMA). In the high-resolution
The effects of transverse temperature distribution on the Weibel instability in a laser produced plasma are studied analytically by using a three dimensional wa
We investigate the interaction of a single three-level trapped ion with two laser beams. By applying a unitary transformation and a small rotating transformatio
Jump conditions of the parameters (mass flow, momentum flow and energy Bow) of a shock with current (thereby, electric and magnetic field) in cylindrical non-ne
Depth sensing indentation (DSI) tests at the range of 200-1800 mN are performed on porous sialon ceramic to determine the indentation load on Youngs modulus and