The modified CNDO / 2 method was used to simulate the transition of the valence state of Tc (Ⅴ) O complex in the brain of BAT. It was found that when the N2S2 ligand is coordinated with the Tc (Ⅴ) O nucleus, coordination complex X . Due to the preferential resolution of X ions in solution, a +1 valence symmetric 99Tcm complex exists instantaneously and, in turn, it automatically transforms to a relatively stable 0-valent asymmetric 99Tcm complex which will result in only the One coordination N atom retains one proton, which is consistent with the experimental results. The concept of bond-level weakening percentage was used to characterize the degree of retention of two coordination N atoms in the coordination process. The Tc (Ⅴ) O nuclei, Tc (Ⅴ) ≡ N nuclei N2S2 complexes, two protons on N-H bonds The reasons for the different degrees of retention for the future design of different valence state technetium complexes provide a theoretical basis.