目前,在开采含铁石英岩的露天矿进行穿孔爆破作业时的主要任务是矿岩破碎质量好,爆堆堆积形态好和形成良好的台阶坡底。为此,提出了一些有关露天矿穿孔爆破技术和工艺的建设。以前所进行的各项研究对于改进苏联黑色冶金工业部各采选公司穿孔爆破工作有一定贡献。但是,有关这方面的某些建议不一定能实现提高矿石选矿指标这一最终目的,结果没能在生产中付诸实施。这里所指的是将炸药单耗增加到1.5~1.7kg/m~3和采用孔径(?)320mm 的牙轮钻机的建议。
At present, the main task of perforation blasting in the open-pit mining of iron-bearing quartzite is that the quality of ore-rock crushing is good, the buildup of explosive stack is good, and a good slope bottom is formed. For this reason, put forward a number of related opencast mine blasting technology and technology construction. The various studies conducted before make a certain contribution to improving the perforation and blasting work of mining companies in the Black Iron and Metallurgical Industries of the Soviet Union. However, some of the proposals in this respect may not be able to achieve the ultimate goal of increasing ore beneficiation targets, and as a result, they will not be implemented in production. This refers to the proposal to increase the unit charge of explosives to 1.5 to 1.7 kg / m 3 and to use a cone gear 320 mm in bore (?).