目的:了解精神科住院患者的抑郁倾向及其严重程度,为临床干预提供依据。方法采用Beck抑郁问卷-Ⅱ量表对383例住院精神病患者(排除抑郁症)进行抑郁状况调查分析。结果本组患者中轻度情绪紊乱23.8%,临床临界抑郁11.2%,中度抑郁16.7%,严重抑郁8.9%,极端抑郁3.4%。精神分裂症患者发生抑郁倾向者居多,导致抑郁倾向的主要原因排前4位依次为精神疾病、社会歧视、经济困难、家庭关系紧张。结论精神科住院患者抑郁倾向及严重抑郁发生率高,对患者适时进行抑郁情绪风险评估,尽早发现抑郁倾向,及时予以心理疏导及抗抑郁治疗,能有效预防或降低严重自伤和自杀行为的发生。“,”Objectives To explore depressive tendency and severity of psychiatric inpatient in order to provide basis for clinical intervention . Methods Assess-ments of depression status (excluding depression) were conducted with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in 383 hospitalized mental patients .Results Of them mild affective disturb-ance made up 23 .8% ,clinical borderline depression 11 .2% ,moderate 26 .7% ,major 8 .9% and severe 3 .4% .Most of schizophrenics developed depressive tendency ,4 main factors inducing depressive tendency were in turn mental disorders ,social discrimination ,financial straits and family relation tension .Conclu-sion The incidences of depressive tendency and major depression are high in psychiatric inpatients ;risk e-valuation of depressive emotion at the right moment ,discovery of depressive tendency as early as possible and opportune psychological counseling and anti-depression treatment could effectively prevent or lower the development of severe self-harm and suicidal behavior .