
来源 :佳木斯教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hermes262
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高校学报是高校的学术理论阵地,是反映高校教学、科研和学术水平的“窗口”和“镜子”。因此,我国近代许多著名的教育专家都把学报作为衡量和评估一所高等学校办学质量的重要参照系,并注意发挥学报对办学的导向作用,这无疑是符合高校实际的真知灼见,也是近几年来学术界和学报界对高校学报性质、作用进行一系列探讨和论证所取得的共识。学报在办学中所处的地位及所起的作用,迫使每个学报工作者对学报和编辑自身的价值来一个重新认识,更加珍惜自己的工作,努力提高职业素质,不仅要具备编辑人员所应具有 The college journals are academic theoretical positions in colleges and universities, and are “windows” and “mirrors” reflecting the teaching, scientific research and academic standards of colleges and universities. Therefore, many well-known modern education experts in our country regarded the journals as an important frame of reference for measuring and evaluating the quality of running an institution of higher learning. Attention should be paid to giving play to the guiding role of journals in running a school. This is undoubtedly in line with the actual knowledge of colleges and universities and also in recent years The consensus reached by the academic circles and the journal circles on a series of discussions and argumentation on the nature and function of the university journals. The position and role played by a journal in running a school forces each journalist to re-understand the value of the journal and the editor themselves, cherish their own work more and strive to improve their professional qualities. They must not only have the editors’ have
(1)定于今年秋季和浙江等省出版部门联合举行首届年会,集中研究社会主义市场经济与编辑出版工作的关系问题; (2)开展国际出版学术交流活动,研讨出版业的发展趋势及如何进一
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《国外金属热处理》创刊十周年了! 对这个刊物来说,过去的十年确实是不平凡的十年。十年前,她只是一个刚刚诞生的幼苗,在当时众多的新兴刊物中,一点也引不起人们的注目,不少
在中宣部领导同志的倡议和直接领导下,由中宣部、新闻出版署等部门共同组织部分音像出版单位制作的《中华大家唱(卡拉 OK)曲库》(以下简称《曲库》)1000首,到今年3月份全部
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