博山区法院大胆改革 创新全面提高工作水平

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今年以来,淄博市博山区人民法院从强化管理、提高队伍素质入手,大胆实施改革创新,建立健全了一整套激励约束机制,从而激发了审判人员的工作热情,促进了工作效率和工作水平的进一步提高。一是开展庭审观摩和优秀裁判文书评选活动,对活动中发现的问题,采取大会点评、全院通报、制定和规范庭审程序等形式,及时予以公开和纠正,增强了审判人员的责任感,为提高案件质景打下了基础。二是实行逐案逐月评查、通报制度,对各类案件的发回重审、改判率进行严格界定,实行目标考 Since the beginning of this year, the people’s court of Boshan District of Zibo City started with strengthening management and improving the quality of the team, boldly implemented the reform and innovation, and established and perfected a set of incentive and restraint mechanisms, thereby arousing the enthusiasm of judicial personnel and promoting the work efficiency and work standards improve. First, to carry out the trial and excellent verdict selection activities, the activities found in the issue, the General Assembly to comment, the whole hospital to inform, develop and standardize the procedures for court trial and other forms, in a timely manner to be open and correct, enhance the sense of responsibility of the trial staff, to enhance Case texture laid the foundation. Second, the implementation of case by case by month review and notification system, the various types of cases sent back retrial, the strict determination of the rate of change, the implementation of the target test
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2010年1月27日上午,全省文化工作会议在长春南湖宾馆召开。来自全省各市、州、县分管文化的领导及文化厅机关各处 January 27, 2010 morning, the province’s cultural wor
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谈起德州市的文化建设,吴翠云告诉记者:经济是根,文化是魂。文化作为一个地区的软实力是经济社会发展的核心竞争力之一,更是夯实一个地区可持续 Talking about the cultural
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