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突然而至的限牌令,让广州城狂躁起来。《关于广州市实行中小客车总量调控管理的通告》于6月30日21时发布,次日零时开始施行。短短3个小时里,广州各大4S店人声鼎沸:有经销商的POS机被刷爆、有经销商接到了有史以来单笔最大订单、有消费者为了抢车发生口角继上海、北京、贵阳之后,广州成为我国第4个汽车限牌的城市。一夜疯狂抢购的背后,反映了人们对限牌的恐慌和对治堵的无助。限牌路上,广州很可能不是最后一个。有专家预测,不仅一二线城市要限牌,一些中小城市也会加入进来。据统计,截至2012年6月底,我国机动车总保有量达2.33亿辆。其中,汽车1.14亿辆,超越日本成为全球第二。但全国667个城市中,有2/3的高峰时段出现交通拥堵。针对交通问题,上海率先推行拍牌政策,接着北京推出了摇号上牌的措施,紧跟着贵阳效仿北京也采取摇号上牌的政策。但是,这些方式中,究竟哪个更适合广州?早在广州限牌之前,关于限车治堵的讨论就已经开始。有人建议向北京学习,也有人倾向于借鉴上海的治堵方式。7月10日,广州市交通工作领导小组向公众通报了广州市中小客车总量调控管理试行办法和实施细则的征求意见稿,即在一年的试行期内,全市中小客车增量配额为12万辆,按1:1的比例通过无偿摇号和有价竞拍方式分配这些指标。对此,有人持赞同意见,认为它集合了北京和上海模式的优点;有人持反对意见,认为会滋生新问题;有人则对分配比例提出第三种不同的看法…… Suddenly to the limit order, let Guangzhou City mania up. “About the implementation of small and medium buses in Guangzhou City, the total regulation and control of the notice” at 21 o’clock on the June 30 release, starting at 0:00 the next day. Just 3 hours, the Guangzhou 4S shop voices: dealers have been brushing burst POS machines, dealers received the single largest ever order, there are consumers following the rush to grab cars following Shanghai, Beijing After Guiyang, Guangzhou became China’s No. 4 automobile license plate city. Behind the crazy rush to buy a night, reflecting the panic of the people on the limit and the helplessness of blocking. Guangzhou is probably not the last one, only on the street. Some experts predict that not only the first and second tier cities should be limited to license plates, some small and medium-sized cities will also join in. According to statistics, as of the end of June 2012, the total number of motor vehicles in China reached 233 million. Among them, 114 million vehicles surpassed Japan to become the second in the world. However, two-thirds of the country’s 667 cities have traffic jams during rush hour. In response to traffic problems, Shanghai took the lead in implementing the licensing policy, followed by Beijing’s introduction of the Yaohao brand on the cards, following Guiyang’s Beijing policy of adopting Yaohao. However, of these ways, which one is more suitable for Guangzhou? As early as in Guangzhou before the limit card, the discussion on the restricted vehicle has already begun. Someone suggested to learn from Beijing, but others also tended to draw lessons from Shanghai’s mode of operation and control. On July 10, the leading group for traffic work in Guangzhou informed the public about the draft of the trial measures and implementation rules for the regulation and control of the total volume of small and medium buses in Guangzhou. During the one-year trial period, the incremental quota of small and medium buses in the city was 12 Ten thousand, according to the ratio of 1: 1 through the non-remunerated Yaohao auction and distribution of these indicators. In this regard, some people hold the opinion that it combines the advantages of the Beijing and Shanghai models; some people disagree and think it will breed new problems; and others will come up with a third different view on the distribution ratio ...
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