在社会主义市场经济大潮中,医院卫生事业与各行各业一样也在进行着一场改革,在这过程中,出现一些有悖于医德医风的错误行为,浅析如下:1 医疗卫生工作中不良现象的表现1.1 不良心理表现 市场经济的出现,对人们的思想观念、思维方式和行为准则产生巨大影响。在医院
In the tide of the socialist market economy, hospital health undertakings are undergoing reforms like all walks of life. During this process, there have been some erroneous behaviors that are contrary to medical ethics. The following are the reasons: 1 The performance of bad phenomena 1.1 Bad psychological performance The emergence of a market economy has a huge impact on people’s ideas, thinking patterns and behavioral norms. in hospital