以旭和威赛克等 8个柱型苹果品种 (品系 )为试材 ,建立了AFLP银染技术体系。经过引物筛选 ,发现引物PstI GAC/MseI TA和PstI GAC/MseI CG可分别在旭和威赛克之间各扩增出 1条特异片段 ,初步认为这两条特异片段可能与苹果柱型Co基因相关。
In this study, eight columnar apple cultivars (lines) such as Asahi and Watson were used as experimental materials to establish the AFLP silver staining technology system. After primer screening, one specific fragment was amplified between Aspergillus and Wisec respectively by PstI GAC / MseI TA and PstI GAC / MseI CG, and it was preliminarily thought that these two specific fragments might be related to the apple-type Co gene .