一、面临的问题和困难 (一)改厕意识低首先是领导层,在许多领导的思想意识里,改厕的重要性远没有改水强,目前各级政府都能够把改水工作列入议事日程,改水基本上走上了轨道,而改厕则是可有可无;其次是农村居民,广大农民世代沿袭的风俗习惯是难以改变的,随着经济生活的改变,他们对入口的要求越来越高,许多人都懂得“病从口入”的道理,但对出口卫生却不以为然,对粪便知其利多,识其弊少,认为粪便无害化处理,大张旗鼓地改厕没有必要。近年来,部分富裕地区虽然改变了露天粪坑与门前堆粪的习惯,建立了一些比较象样的厕所,但这些厕所的目的只在于收集粪,肥,并没有考虑
First, the problems and difficulties facing (a) the low consciousness of toilet change is the first of the leadership, in many leaders of the ideological consciousness, the importance of toilet change is far from being strong. At present all levels of government are able to include water improvement work On the agenda, water reform is basically on the track, and toilets are optional; followed by rural residents, the customs and habits inherited by generations of peasants from generation to generation are difficult to change. With the change of economic life, they are facing the entrance. The demand is getting higher and higher. Many people understand the principle of “sickness from the mouth,” but they are not sure about export health. They know much about the excrement and know less about it. They think that manure is harmless. It is not necessary to change the toilet in a big way. . In recent years, although some well-to-do areas have changed the habit of open pit excreta and dumping in front of doors, some relatively decent toilets have been set up, but the purpose of these toilets is only to collect manure and fertilizer, and no consideration has been given to them.