我们这次介绍的彩虹乐队,对大家来说已经是太过熟悉了。因为 有很多读者来信说要介绍他们的情况,我觉得我们国家的歌迷们对彩虹真是爱护有加。我知道FANS们对彩虹的了解不会比我少的,所以我只做了一个总结的工作,把他们几年来比较轰动的大事又重提了一遍,目的只是让他
The rainbow band we introduced this time is already too familiar to everyone. Because there are many readers who have letters to say about their situation, I think our country’s fans really care about the rainbow. I know that FANS will not know less about the rainbow than I do, so I only did a summing-up and repeated them again in the more sensational event of the past couple of years with the aim of letting him