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宋朝以来,城市经济的发展、市民阶层的兴起对瓷器需要量增加。海外贸易的发展使瓷器的输出形成高潮,给瓷器手工业生产以很大的推动,因此瓷窑布局、瓷器外销及其制作工艺都有较大变化。一、瓷窑布局的规律性变化 Since the Song Dynasty, the development of urban economy, the rise of the public class on the porcelain needs increased. The development of overseas trade has culminated in the export of porcelain and greatly promoted the production of porcelain handicrafts. Therefore, the layout of porcelain kilns, the export of porcelain and the manufacturing process of porcelain have greatly changed. First, the regular changes in the layout of porcelain kiln
从前年开始,姑父迷上了钓鱼。他这一迷呀,简直不可收拾,一年三百六十五天,恐怕有三百六十天,他都会到鱼池边转悠。如果哪一天他像丢了魂似的,打不起精神,十有八九是没能钓鱼。  姑父的钓鱼装备可齐全了:什么小手竿呀海竿呀,光钓鱼竿就有四五根;还有各式浮筒、粗细钓线、大小鱼钩、太阳伞、鱼篓以及打窝子用的黄豆啊酒啊之类的;更有些奇形怪状的东西,我根本叫不出名字。  暑假的一天早上,爸爸妈妈带着我到姑父家玩。