控购工作作为各级政府职能的组成部分,在体制转换过程中,如何更好地发挥其杠杆调控作用,为两个转变服务?河北省财政厅在这方面进行了有益的尝试,取得了可喜的成效。(一)控购与财政状况挂钩。一个时期以来,社会集团非生产性消费,特别是行政事业单位小汽车的消费增长势头很猛,已经超出了财力的承受能力,成为社会经济发展的严重制约因素。如河北省某贫困县每年的财政收入仅为2 000余万元,而截至1996年3月,该县行政事业单位共拥有各类小汽车176部,如按最低标准,平均每部车每年各类费用2.5万元(油费、大修、保险、折旧、司机工资)估算,每年该县开
As an integral part of the functions of government at all levels, the control over purchase work plays a more leverage role in the process of institutional transformation and serves for the two transformations. Hebei Provincial Department of Finance conducted a useful attempt in this respect and achieved gratifying results The effectiveness of (A) control shopping and financial conditions linked. Since a certain period of time, the non-productive consumption of social groups, especially that of the administrative units, has been growing rapidly, exceeding the affordability of financial resources and becoming a serious constraint on social and economic development. For example, in a poor county in Hebei Province, the annual fiscal revenue is only about 2 million yuan. As of March 1996, the county’s administrative institutions owned a total of 176 cars of various types. For example, according to the lowest standard, the average annual cost per car per year 25,000 yuan (fuel costs, overhauls, insurance, depreciation, driver wages) estimated that the county opened each year