Study on multimers and their structures in molecular association mixture

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:solarshu
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Self-association system of(R)-1,3-butanediol in dilute carbon tetrachloride(CCl4)solution is studied as a model of molecular association mixture.Analysis methods including FSMWEFA(fixed-size moving window evolving factor analysis)combined with PCA(principal component analysis),SIMPLISMA (simple-to-use interactive self-modeling mixture analysis),and ITTFA(iterative target transformation factor analysis)are adopted to resolve infrared spectra of(R)-1,3-butanediol solution.Association number and equilibrium constant are computed.(R)-1,3-butanediol in dilute inert solution is determined as a monomer-trimer equilibrium system.Theoretical investigation of trimer structures is carried out with DFT(density functional theory),and structural factors are analyzed. Self-association system of (R) -1,3-butanediol in dilute carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) solution is studied as a model of molecular association mixture. Analysis methods including FSMWEFA (fixed-size moving window evolving factor analysis) combined with PCA ( principal component analysis, SIMPLISMA (simple-to-use interactive self-modeling mixture analysis), and ITTFA (iterative target transformation factor analysis) are adopted to resolve infrared spectra of (R) -1,3-butanediol solution. Association number and equilibrium constant are computed. (R) -1,3-butanediol in dilute inert solution is determined as a monomer-trimer equilibrium system. The theory of trimer structures is carried out with DFT (density functional theory), and structural factors are analyzed.
《石油机械》第14卷第7期,1986,第6~9页,图11,表2 本文作者解剖分析了美国国民供应公司生产的三缸单作用泥浆泵的失效泵头,指出这种泵头系铸造成型,未经锻压、调质或正火热处
每个女人都梦想拥有一瓶Chanel,无论是十八,二十八,还是三十八……香奈儿的经典魅力令无数人着迷。如同可可香奈儿(Coco Chanel)本人所说:“一个女人应该是这两样:优雅而惊艳
我国外文科技期刊(以下简称“外刊”)资源建设经历了“三起两落”的历史,初创期(1951年—1966年)、停滞期(1967年一1977年)、发展期(1978年一1988年)、滑坡期(1989年—1997年)、重构期(1998年一),重构保障体系已迫在眉睫。    一、外刊资源现状    据有关报遒,我国内地引进外刊的经费总额是加拿大的1/187,日本的1/30;全世界年出版期刊20万种,我国引进外刊
徐静蕾的新片《有一个地方只有我们知道》,获得票房和口碑双赢。沉寂两年之后的复出之作取得如此大的成功,徐静蕾的前任男友们功不可没。前男友王朔,亲自为这部电影操刀担任编剧;前男友黄觉,亲自为这部电影宣传造势……  都说分手了就不可能成为朋友,可是徐静蕾究竟有什么法宝,让前任都成了她的蓝颜知己呢?  黄觉的老婆是我催着娶的  在徐静蕾的感情经历中,她和黄觉的恋情是被媒体提得最多的。  两人在拍摄《一个陌