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在大量外地产业资本涌向上海之后,上海的产业资本也开始了以月均亿元规模向外地的流动。据分析,上海外流的产业资本,大多是上海在不久的将来着力淘汰或无力支撑的劳动密集型和科技含量低的产业——上海正在以“换血”的方式力保 GDP 的增速。产业资本凸现双向流动外地到上海投资的企业,数量非常的庞大。近5万家浙江企业在上海投资了500多亿元,而浙江在沪企业只是所有外地在沪企业总数的10%。据上海市有关部门的最新统计,在上海连续几年超过10%的 GDP 增长中,有近1%的增长是由外地在沪企业提供的。在很长一段时间内,产业资本在外地与上海之间的流动是单向的。除了配合国家西部大开发和结对帮扶战略的实施,上海流向外地的产业资本并不多见。产业资本的单向流动状况,从去年开始发生了明显改变。据上海市政府协作办统计,去年平均每个月有上亿元资 After a large amount of overseas industrial capital flocked to Shanghai, the industrial capital in Shanghai also started to flow to the outside world on an annual basis of 100 million yuan. According to the analysis, the industrial capital flowing out of Shanghai is mostly the labor-intensive and low-tech industries that Shanghai is trying to eliminate or can not support in the near future - Shanghai is trying its best to keep its GDP growth in a “blood transfusion” way. Industrial capital highlights two-way flow Foreign investment in Shanghai to the enterprise, the number of very large. Nearly 50,000 Zhejiang enterprises have invested more than 50 billion yuan in Shanghai, while Zhejiang enterprises in Shanghai are only 10% of the total number of all foreign-based enterprises in Shanghai. According to the latest statistics from relevant departments in Shanghai, nearly 1% of the GDP growth in Shanghai that exceeded 10% for several consecutive years was provided by foreign enterprises in Shanghai. For a long time, the flow of industrial capital between Shanghai and Shanghai was one-way. In addition to cooperating with the implementation of the grand western development and twinning assistance strategies of the country, industrial capital flowing from Shanghai to the outside world is rare. The one-way flow of industrial capital has changed significantly from last year. According to the Shanghai Municipal Government Collaboration Statistics, last year, on average, there are billions of yuan of capital
近期由于国际市场甲醇价格大幅度上扬,造成进口甲醇价格不断攀升,最高价格达到每吨175美元,与年初相比上涨了75%。 据有关方面介绍,我国每年甲醇需求量约在270万t左右,其中60
与往昔不同,中央政府并没有给东北过多的具体安排——这多少有点出乎东北人的意料。原本,他们中很多人认为,中央的救兵就要到了。 恰恰相反,大多专家认为,中央政府不会过细
中国男篮防守至上  毫无疑问,由邓华德领衔的这支中国男篮是一支全新的球队。自从2009年姚明淡出江湖之后,男篮领军人物的权杖已经传递到了易建联的手中。一个崭新的时代已经展开在人们面前,同时也留下了太多的看点和悬疑——我们还能在国际赛场上延续过去的辉煌,甚至实现超越吗?易建联能否开创一个属于他的“易时代”?一个个问号等待着时间提供答案。  作为中国男篮历史上的第三任外籍主教练,邓华德自2010年4月
采用坐标网格法分析了冷挤压内斜齿轮时的力学特点 ,实验结果给出了变形区不同区域的应变特征和毛坯表面变形区内所有应力应变值及其变化规律 ,指出了变形区的外部边界条件 ,