通过测定广东鹤山一个马占相思 (Acaciamangium)人工林的辐射能环境 ,优势种的净光合速率、呼吸速率和生产力 ,群落的生物量及热值 ,定量地刻划了太阳辐射能被马占相思种群吸收、固定、转化、损耗、积累和分配的生物能量学过程。全年抵达林冠上层的总太阳辐射能为 4 351 4MJ·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,能量积累量为 14 8MJ·m- 2 ·a- 1 ,折合光能利用效率为0 34%。群落的能量现存量为 193 9MJ·m- 2 。稳定性分析表明该马占相思人工林群落具有抵抗干扰和保持系统平衡态的自我调节能力 ,确保能量在系统内作正常活动 ,但该群落能流的现状为输入大于输出 ,群落仍在积累能量 ,群落尚未达到真正的平衡。要提高该人工林的光能利用效率 ,关键在于保持或调整群落的结构。
By measuring the radiant energy environment, the net photosynthetic rate, the respiration rate and productivity, the biomass and the caloric value of dominant species in a Acacia mangium plantation in Heshan, Guangdong, the solar radiation energy was quantitatively quantified by Acacia mangium plantation Bioenergetic processes of population uptake, fixation, transformation, depletion, accumulation and distribution. The total solar radiation reaching the upper canopy for the whole year was 4 351 4MJ · m-2 · a-1 with an energy accumulation of 14 8MJ · m-2 · a-1 and an equivalent luminous energy utilization efficiency of 0 34%. The energy stock of the community is 193 9MJ · m-2. The stability analysis indicated that the Acacia mangium plantation community has the ability of resisting disturbance and maintaining the equilibrium state of the system to ensure the normal activity of energy in the system. However, the present situation of the energy flow of the plant is that the input is greater than the output and the community is still accumulating energy , The community has not yet reached a true balance. The key is to maintain or adjust the structure of the community to improve the efficiency of light energy use of the plantation.