
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:newlifeinsydney
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菊花的常见病害有白粉病、褐斑病、枯萎病、锈病、霜霉病、病毒病等,一旦发生,不但会降低花卉的产量和品质,而且严重影响其观赏价值和经济价值。一、菊花白粉病1.症状主要为害叶片、叶柄和幼嫩的茎叶。感病初期,叶片上出现黄色透明小白粉斑点,以叶片正面为多,在温湿度适宜时病斑可 Common diseases of chrysanthemum include powdery mildew, brown spot, wilt, rust, downy mildew and virus disease, which will not only reduce the yield and quality of flowers, but also seriously affect their ornamental value and economic value. First, powdery mildew 1. The main symptoms of damage leaves, petioles and young stems and leaves. Early flu, the leaves appear yellow transparent small white spots to the front of the leaves as much as possible in the temperature and humidity lesions can be