1983年6月10日,平果县凤梧公社济世大队四名农民到附近龙额山洞“捕蛇”而死于该山洞深处。次日死者亲属五人寻找,其中两人进洞,仅数分钟,亦死于洞内,余三人恐慌逃回。我们于6月14日(事件发生后四日)前往调查,发现为一起罕见的高浓度一氧化碳所引起的急性中毒事件,现报导如下: 一、现场调查: 岩洞洞口接近山顶,洞口直径11米,深100米,坡度约为20°,洞口至洞底不直通,大致可分为三个阶梯,洞底与山外闭塞,洞内深处无动物栖息。六名死者死于距洞口80—100米处,脸均朝地面,嘴唇、皮肤及粘膜呈现樱桃红色, 特别是两颊及胸前最明显,表情似昏迷状。由于吊尸体时碰伤,死者血流尚呈红色外溢。
On June 10, 1983, four peasants from the Ji Shi Brigade, Fung Wu commune in Pingguo County, went to the nearby Longcui Cave to “snake” and died in the depths of the cave. The next day the relatives of the deceased five people looking for, two of them into the hole, only a few minutes, also died in the cave, the other three panic to escape. We conducted a survey on June 14 (four days after the incident) and found that a rare acute poisoning caused by high concentrations of carbon monoxide was reported as follows: 1. Field investigation: The rock cave hole is close to the top of the cave with a hole diameter of 11 meters, 100 meters deep, the slope of about 20 °, the hole to the bottom of the hole is not straight through, can be divided into three steps, the bottom of the cave and the blockade, the depths of the cave without animal habitat. The six dead died 80-100 meters away from the mouth of the cave. Their faces all faced cherry red on the ground, lips, skin and mucous membranes, especially the most obvious cheeks and chest. As the corpse when hanging corpse, the deceased blood flow is still a red spill.