B→0~+(1~+)+ missing energy in unparticle physics

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WW630228937
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We examine the effects of an unparticle U as a possible source of missing energy in the p-wave decays of a B meson. The dependence of the differential branching ratio on the K*0 (K1) – meson’s energy is discussed in the presence of scalar and vector unparticle operators and significant deviation from the standard model value is found after addition of these operators. Finally, we have shown the dependence of the branching ratio for the above-mentioned decays on the parameters of unparticle stuff like effective couplings, cutoff scale ΛU and the scale dimensions dU. We examine the effects of an unparticle U as a possible source of missing energy in the p-wave decays of a B meson. The dependence of the differential branching ratio on the K * 0 (K1) - meson's energy is discussed in the presence of scalar and vector unparticle operators and significant deviation from the standard model value is found after addition of these operators. Finally, we have shown the dependence of the branching ratio for the above-mentioned decays on the parameters of unparticle stuff like effective couplings, cutoff scale ΛU and the scale dimensions dU.
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