一、美国“信息高速公路”计划 当今世界信息技术发展领域,出现了一项令世人瞩目的“信息高速公路”计划,它的出现引起了各国政府、科技界的广泛重视。 “信息高速公路”(Information Highway)正式名称为“全美信息基础设施(NII)”,由克林顿政府通过科尔副总统提出来的。该项计划予计在今后20年中耗资4000亿美元,建立起联接美国各大学、研究机构、企业以及每个美国家庭的全国性信息网。按照设计者希望,将在现有的通信“羊肠道”外增设一条直径不足1.3厘米的32芯光缆,在1993年内将100万户美国人家庭用光纤和电缆线路组成的网络联结起来,井在5年内将美国大部分家庭联为一体。按此目标,到1999年,美国各个家庭只需依赖于安装在电视机上一个功能很强的小盒子,使用遥控器对电视屏幕上的所需图像发出指令,就能得到所需要的信息,指令执行过程既可以听到声音,也可看到动态画面。利用信息高速公路的手
I. The “Information Superhighway” Program in the United States In the field of information technology development in the world today, there is an “information superhighway” plan that attracts worldwide attention. Its appearance has drawn wide attention from governments, science and technology circles in various countries. The official name of the Information Highway is National Information Infrastructure (NII), proposed by the Clinton administration through Vice President Cole. The program is expected to cost 400 billion U.S. dollars over the next two decades and build a nationwide information network linking U.S. universities, research institutions, businesses and every U.S. home. According to the designer’s wish, a 32-core optical fiber cable less than 1.3 cm in diameter will be provided outside the existing communication “sheep intestine”. In 1993, a network of 1 million American households in fiber optics and cabling will be interconnected and wells Within five years, most of the families in the United will be united. According to this goal, by 1999, families in the United States only had to rely on a small, powerful box mounted on a television set. Using the remote control to issue instructions on the desired image on the television screen, they could get the information they needed, The implementation of the process can hear the sound, but also to see the dynamic picture. Hand using information highway