夏季栽培食用菌培养料常会出现变质发霉,有酸味,既浪费原料,又影响产量,是食用菌生产上一大难题。料变质的原因:一是菌种问题;二是杂菌侵染;三是环境温度过高。针对上述原因,笔者认为可采取如下措施进行预防。1 选择菌种 夏季栽培宜选高温型或广温型菌种,菌种洁白,
Summer cultivation of edible fungi culture material often metamorphosis mildew, sour, not only waste of raw materials, but also affect the yield, edible fungus production is a big problem. Material deterioration causes: First, strain problems; second, bacterial infection; Third, the ambient temperature is too high. For the above reasons, I believe that the following measures can be taken to prevent. 1 Select species Summer cultivation should choose high temperature or wide temperature type bacteria, bacteria white,