保罗和格里芬健康无虞,同城死敌湖人连季后赛都没进,2013—14赛季对于快船来说本来是难得的赢人气的机会,可就在球员们在赛场上殊死拼搏的时候,本应该视他们如自己儿子的球队老板却在背后捅了刀子。一向口碑不佳的唐纳德·斯特林的一通电话录音被公诸于众,其中种族歧视的言论令人齿冷,他甚至将球员当成了自己的奴隶,言谈中极尽侮辱之能事。犯了众怒的斯特林众叛亲离,不但被联盟处以罚款和禁赛,还将付出失去球队的代价。斯特林的处境可谓咎由自取,正应了现在的一句流行语:No Zuo No Die,不作死就不会死。
Paul and Griffin healthy, city rivals Lakers did not even enter the playoffs, the 2013-14 season for the Clippers could have been a rare opportunity to win popularity, but players in the arena when fighting desperately , The owner of the team who should have treated them like their own son, stabbed a knife in the back. A poorly-spoken Donald Sterling’s telephone recording was made public, racist remarks were cold-hearted, and he even treated his players as their own slaves. Stirling guilty of public outrage, not only by the league fined and suspended, will also pay the price of losing the team. Stirling situation can be described as self-suing, should be the current buzzword: No Zuo No Die, do not die will not die.