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理论指导实践,国家电网公司在全面社会责任管理创新道路上,率先实现了全面的理论创新,“鼎·心”模型和“十二项”推进行动策略指导其社会责任实践工作走在了央企的最前沿。全面社会责任管理是一种全新的企业管理模式,受到了世界范围内企业的追捧。同时,每个企业在实施全面社会责任管理创新的过程中,都有各自不同的理解。理论创新对全面社会责任管理的实践起着重要的指导作用。国家电网公司自2005年开始积 The theory guides the practice. On the road of overall social responsibility management innovation, SGCC has taken the lead in realizing comprehensive theoretical innovation, guiding the social responsibility practice of “Dingxinxin” and “Twelve” promotion strategies In the forefront of the central enterprises. Comprehensive social responsibility management is a new kind of business management mode, which has been sought after by enterprises all over the world. At the same time, each enterprise has its own different understanding in implementing the innovation of overall CSR management. Theoretical innovation plays an important guiding role in the practice of overall social responsibility management. State Grid Corporation since 2005 plot
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