一林奈生平简介今年是瑞典伟大博物学家林奈逝世二百周年。瑞典皇家科学院今年5月在卡尔斯哥加举行诺贝尔学术会议,讨论“早期人类的现代论证”,以纪念林奈对于人类学的贡献。会议邀请各国古人类学工作者参加讨论,并宣读论文;我国也应邀参加。其他国家也举行了各种纪念活动。卡尔·林奈(Carl von Linne)1707年5月23日生于瑞典南方斯莫兰省的拉殊卡特村;父亲尼尔·林奈,本是牧羊人,后因岳父推荐,任村中牧师。卡尔是长子。父亲希望儿子成年后,能继任神职,因此用
A Lin Nai brief introduction This year is the two hundredth anniversary of the death of Lin Sweden, a great naturalist. In May this year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences held a Nobel conference in Karlskoga to discuss “the modern argument of early humans” to commemorate Linnai’s contribution to anthropology. The conference invited ancient anthropologists of all countries to participate in the discussion and read the essay; China was also invited to attend. Other countries also held various commemorative activities. Carl von Linne was born on May 23, 1707 in the village of Lazcart in the province of Smemora in southern Sweden; his father, Neil Linnet, was a shepherd, and was retired as a village priest due to the recommendation of his father-in-law. Karl is the eldest son. My father hopes his son will succeed after he has reached his full age, so he will use it