一、插条: 番木瓜除通常采用播种繁殖外,截取小枝条使其在愈合处自然生长也是可行的。番木瓜插条在温室沙床内能很好地生根。 Allan在试验中采用间歇喷雾与内部加热的方法,其生根率可达80~90%,五周后,生根的插条可进行移植。插条的切端因木瓜乳的分泌,一般会形成一薄层,而导致组织坏死。为避免此情况发生,先连根挖起生长达10~12个月的番木瓜植株,将其保持在潮湿的环境里十天,使其乳汁浓度变稀成水状,再截取10~15厘米长的枝条,用1,000 ppm的吲哚丁酸处理,其生根率可达42.5%,而对照仅为20%(Bhuva)。
First, the cuttings: In addition to the papaya usually used for planting and breeding, the interception of small branches in the healing of natural growth is feasible. Papaya cuttings can well root in the greenhouse. Allan used intermittent spraying and internal heating in the test. The rooting rate was 80-90%. After five weeks, rooted cuttings could be transplanted. The cutting edge of cuttings due to papaya milk secretion, usually form a thin layer, which led to tissue necrosis. To avoid this, papaya plants that have been growing for 10 to 12 months are dug up first and kept in a damp environment for 10 days to dilute their milk concentration into a watery mass, then cut into 10 to 15 cm Long shoots treated with indole butyric acid at 1,000 ppm gave a rooting rate of up to 42.5% as compared to only 20% of control (Bhuva).