25届奥运会,是1992年国际体坛的高潮, 中国足球的变革,是1992年中国体坛的热点。——题记 A 国奥队失利,祸耶?福耶? 当时间过去将近一年之后,回头审视国奥队1992年初在吉隆坡的失利,每一个关心中国足球的人都会暗暗庆幸:国奥队兵败马岛,从客观上使中国足球因祸得福。不然,灾难深重的中国足球,绝不会有随之而来的石破天惊的改革之举。可以公正地说:国奥队的失利,难堪
The 25th Olympic Games is the climax of the international sports in 1992, the reform of Chinese football is the hot spot of China’s sports in 1992. - Inscription A country Olympic team defeat, evil Ye Fu? When nearly a year later, look back at the Olympic team defeat in Kuala Lumpur in early 1992, every person who cares about Chinese football will secretly glad: Olympic team soldiers Isle of Matu, objectively Chinese football blessing. Otherwise, the catastrophic Chinese football, there will be no surprise that the ensuing reforms. Can be fair to say: the defeat of the Olympic team, embarrassed