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省府批示: 省人民法院關於‘江西半年來調解工作情况報告’,總結了全省半年來的調解工作,初步綜合了各地調解工作經驗,提出了今後調解工作的一些意見。現將該項報告刊載,以供各地参考。民間調解工作不僅是羣衆運用自己力量解决自己的糾紛,進行自我教育,加强人民内部團結的有效方法,而且是人民法院的有利助手。各級人民政府應責成各級法院重視這一工作,加强對調解工作的領導。但半年來的經驗也證明了在鄉村建立調解組織,必須堅持穩步前進方針,克服形式主義偏向,所以今後在已成立了調解組織的地方,應加强鞏固與提高現有組織,充實其工作,在未建立組織的地區,暫不必建立調解組織,其工作由巡迴法庭指導鄉的民政委員會負責辦理。七月廿一日 Provincial Government’s Complaint: The Provincial People’s Court made a “Report on the Mediation Work in Jiangxi Province in the Past Six Months”, summed up the mediation work in the province for six months, initially summarized the mediation work experiences in various places and put forward some suggestions on mediation in the future. The report is now published for reference. The civil mediation work is not only an effective way for the masses to use their own power to solve their own disputes, conduct self-education, and strengthen internal unity among the people, but also a favorable assistant to the people’s court. People’s governments at all levels should instruct courts at all levels to attach importance to this work and step up their leadership over the mediation work. However, the experience of the past six years also proves that to establish a mediation organization in the rural areas, we must adhere to the principle of steady progress and overcome the bias of formalism. Therefore, in the future, where mediation organizations have been established, we should strengthen the consolidation and enhancement of existing organizations and enrich their work. The establishment of organizations in the region, the temporary need to establish a mediation organization, its work by the Circuit Court Guidance Township Civil Affairs Commission is responsible for handling. July 21st
扎溪卡,“雅砻江边”的意思。在那里,每一片土地都散发处野性自在的味道,仰望蓝天,极目雪山,让人不由得想就地撒野…… Zhaxi card, “Yalong River” means. There, every
在忽热忽凉的4月,我们一行四人背上背包从成都出发了。此次出行我们没有像以往那样精心设计线路,而是随心所欲去川西高原狂游。 第1天:成都——茂县 星期4下午3:00,我们从成
2015年9月23日,注册会计师行业领军(后备)人才第十期境外(加拿大)培训班的学员们拜访了位于渥太华的加拿大中小型事务所Samson&Associates CPA/Consulting lnc(以下简称Samso
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蘇聯政府代表團代表蘇聯人民贈給我國以組織擁有兩萬公頃播種面積的國營穀物農場所必需的機器和設備,並派來一批專家帮助我們建立這個農場,使我們在 The Soviet government