Unilateral vocal cord paralysis of the treatment of nerve transplantation, vocal cord shift and vocal cord filling, the latter use Teflon vocal cord injection, but may occur after injection of vocal cord stiffness, granuloma formation, neck abscess and breathing difficulties and other complications disease. The authors chose adipose tissue as a vocal cord injection material to overcome the above drawbacks. Fat was taken from the abdominal wall of the body and collected by cannula aspiration. After removing the blood by saline flushing, a long needle 19 was used to inject fat into the vocal cord muscle along the long axis of the paralyzed vocal cords under a magnification of 10 times under an operating microscope. Slightly raised, postoperative antibiotics for 5 days, and limit the pronunciation, the author treatment in 3 cases, postoperative good pronunciation, video dynamic laryngoscopy vocal cord vibration was normal without stiffness