人体组织细胞自身产生的内源性β-葡糖醛酸酶(β-G)的质与量与胆红素结石形成有关.我们选取不同结石类型的胆石症患者为研究对象,采用 ELISA 技术方法,同步测定血清及唾液中内源性β-G 活性,探讨内源性β-G 与不同类型胆结石的关系.1材料和方法1.1 材料选取1999年沈阳军区总医院手术切除并经病理证实的胆石症患者分为2组,其中胆红素结石组18例,男12例,女6例,平均年龄40.4岁;胆固醇结石组14例,男6例,女
The quality and quantity of endogenous β-glucuronidase (β-G) produced by human tissue cells are related to the formation of bilirubin stones.We selected patients with different stone types of cholelithiasis as the research object, using ELISA technique , Simultaneous determination of endogenous β-G activity in serum and saliva, to explore the relationship between endogenous β-G and different types of gallstones.Materials and Methods1.1 Materials Selection 1999 Shenyang Military Region General Hospital surgically removed and confirmed by pathology Cholelithiasis patients were divided into two groups, of which 18 cases of bilirubin stones, 12 males and 6 females, average age 40.4 years; 14 cases of cholesterol stones, 6 males and females