编辑同志: 敬读贵刊转来郑学文医师《对“维生素K_3在治疗毛细支气管炎中的止喘作用”一文的几点意见》,特作如下答复。自从《中华医学杂志》1974年11期报道了黄天俊等关于维生素K_3对家兔离体肠肌的解痉作用和胆道蛔虫所致胆绞痛的疗效观察之后,维生素K_3的新用途引起了广大医务工作者广泛关注和兴趣,至今国内各种医学刊物有关文献已近50篇,其中大部分都属于临床疗效观察方面的报道,从事作用机理研究的文章
Editorial comrades: read your magazine transferred to Dr. Zheng Xuewen “on the vitamin K_3 in the treatment of bronchitis in the role of asthma,” a few comments on the article, “made the following reply. Since the ”Medical Journal of China" in 1974 11 reported on the Tian-Jun Huang and other vitamin K_3 rabbit intestinal muscle in vitro spasm and biliary ascaris induced biliary colic induced by the observation of the new use of vitamin K_3 caused the majority of medical The workers are widely concerned and interested. Up to now, there are nearly 50 articles about various medical journals in China, most of which belong to the report of clinical curative effect observation, and articles on the mechanism of action