
来源 :安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suxinlan2009
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汇率经由两种途径影响出口,一是升值效果,二是汇率波动所带来的风险效果。对2005年7月至2010年12月数据的研究表明:人民币升值会减少以本国货币表示的出口贸易,但效果并不明显,而汇率升值波动所引起的汇率风险,负面冲击出口收益,并造成出口波动。抑制人民币升值并不是增加出口的有效工具,调整出口产品结构、积极拓展国际市场、规避外汇风险以及实施有效、透明的货币政策才是解决出口问题的有效途径。 The exchange rate affects exports through two channels. One is the appreciation effect and the other is the risk effect brought by exchange rate fluctuations. The research on data from July 2005 to December 2010 shows that the appreciation of the renminbi will reduce the export trade in the national currency but the effect is not obvious. The exchange rate risk caused by the fluctuation of the exchange rate will negatively impact the export earnings and cause Export fluctuations. Suppressing RMB appreciation is not an effective tool for increasing exports. Adjusting the structure of export products, actively expanding international markets, avoiding foreign exchange risks and implementing effective and transparent monetary policies are effective ways to solve the export problem.
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