1881年“不屈”号铁甲舰服役英国海军“不屈”号(HMS Inflexible,旧译“英弗莱息白”号)铁甲舰是战列舰演变史的一个重要舰型。当战舰从木壳风帆进化到蒸汽铁甲舰之后,各国都在摸索新时期战舰的最佳布局,“不屈”号就是英国海军所作的一次尝试。“不屈”号于1874年在朴次茅斯造船厂开工,1876年下水,1881年7月服役。该舰长105米,宽23米,主机功率6600马力,最高航速14.73节,满载排水量11880吨,是当时最大的战舰。“不屈”号的主炮为4门安装在舯部旋转炮廓中的408毫米架退式后装线膛炮,“不屈”号也是当时火力最强的战舰。
In 1881, the Undefeated Iron Fleet served the British Navy. The HMS Inflexible was an important model for the evolution of the battleship. As the warships evolved from the sails of the woods to the steam ironclads, all countries were exploring the best layout of warships in the new era. The “No War” was an attempt made by the British Navy. The Undefest was started in Portsmouth Shipyard in 1874, launched in 1876, and served in July 1881. The captain of 105 meters, 23 meters wide, the host power of 6600 horsepower, the maximum speed of 14.73 knots, full displacement of 11,880 tons, was the largest warship. “Unconventional” number of guns for the four installed in the Ministry of rotation of the outline of the barrel in the retreated 408 mm rifled after the gun, “ ” No. is also the most powerful warships at the time.