今年五月二十日,《上海市公安档案展览》在市公安局八楼正式展出。展览共分五个部分,展出了六百多幅照片和四百多卷案卷,其中有不少鲜为人知的珍贵史料。这次展览既是公安保卫人员侦破疑案,智擒妖魔,战胜顽敌的真实记录和写照,又是对公安档案工作者辛勤劳动成果的一次检阅。 (一) 解放以来,上海公安系统积累了二百二十多万册档案材料,并以每年八万册的速度递增,在打击
May 20 this year, “Shanghai Public Security Archives Exhibition” was officially displayed in the eighth floor of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. The exhibition is divided into five parts, displaying more than 600 photos and more than 400 volumes of books, many of which are rare and precious historical materials. This exhibition is not only a real record and portrayal of public security personnel in resolving suspect cases, intellectual demons and defeating enemies, but also a review of the hard labor achievements of public security archives workers. (A) Since the liberation, the Shanghai public security system has accumulated over 2.2 million archival materials and has been increasing at an annual rate of 80,000 copies.