
来源 :云南水力发电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rainbow0938
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大理白族自治州的徐村水电站1992年5月30日通过了可行性研究报告评估。徐村水电站位于漾濞江中段,是漾濞江河段规划中最下一级电站,由昆明水电勘测设计院勘测设计。 Xu Village, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture Hydropower Station on May 30, 1992 passed the feasibility study report assessment. Located in the middle of the Yangbi River, Xucun Hydropower Station is the lowest-level power plant in the Yangbi River section and is surveyed and designed by Kunming Hydropower Survey and Design Institute.