在草洞里钓鲫鱼,要注意以下几点: 1.要了解鲫鱼的常规生活习性,它喜欢在30厘米到1.5米深的水草茂密的水域里栖息觅食,一年四季几乎如此。因此,凡是水草多,一年以上未干涸过的河塘里,一定能钓上鲫鱼。 2.鲫鱼喜欢吃蚯蚓、大米和面食。打窝时只用普通的大米,视地形和水草情况,选好钓点,离岸边2~6米远处,每隔3~5米打一个窝,一般打6~10窝为宜。如果水草很茂密,要用鱼竿轻轻将草拨开;或在竿尖上
To catch crucian carp in the grass cave, pay attention to the following points: 1. To understand the common habits of crucian carp, it likes to habitat in the dense waters of 30 cm to 1.5 meters of habitat for feeding, almost the same throughout the year. Therefore, all aquatic plants, more than a year has not dried up in the river pond, it will be able to catch the carp. Crucian carp like to eat earthworms, rice and pasta. When playing the nest only ordinary rice, depending on the terrain and water conditions, selected fishing spots, 2 to 6 meters away from the shore, every 3 to 5 meters to play a nest, generally playing 6 to 10 nest appropriate. If the plants are thick, gently drag the grass with a rod; or at the tip of the pole