今年以来,武警新野消防大队党总支从关爱士兵的小事做起,让战士真切地感受到“三个代表”就在自己身边,催生出部队的战斗力。该大队先后在全支队夺得执勤训练、装备器材改革、后勤建设管理、火火训练基础资料建设四个第一名。 在这一项项成绩的背后,是新野消防大队党总支“一班人”一串串爱兵的故事。 车库与食堂 党总支书记胡振宇常挂嘴边的一句话是:“爱兵就要为战士的需要着想,战士
Since the beginning of this year, the Armed Police Xinnain Fire Brigade Party General Branch has started with the trifles of caring for the soldiers so that the soldiers can truly feel the “three represents” on their side and give birth to their combat effectiveness. The brigade won the first place among all four detachments in duty training, equipment reform, logistics construction and management, and training of fire and fire basic information. Behind the achievements of this one is the story of a string of loyal soldiers from the “one group” of the general branch of the Xin Ye Fire Brigade Party. Hu Zhenyu, general branch secretary of the garage and canteen party often said: "love soldiers must be the needs of soldiers, warriors