一 记得一位哲人曾这样说过:“文化不同于其他,他的繁荣与衰败不在于一朝一夕而必须经过几代人”。泉州,自古人称“戏剧之乡”,在这片土地上,诞生着许多剧作家,涌现着许多脍灸人口的戏剧作品。尤其在商品大潮冲击着文化,戏剧艺术处在内忧外患的今天,当许多戏剧名家为戏剧如何走出低谷争执不休,泉州戏剧界愈发显现出其重要地位。这就无怪几任文化厅长提及泉州戏剧界都喜欢用“半壁江山”来形容它在福建戏剧事业中的份量。
One remembered a philosopher who once said: “Culture is different from the others. His prosperity and decline are not just a matter of several generations.” Quanzhou, ancient times, called “the hometown of drama”, in this land, the birth of many dramatists, there are many dramatic works moxibustion population. Especially in the tide of impact of culture on the tide of goods, theater art is in the internal and external problems today, when many theatrical masters for drama how to come out of the doldrums endless controversy, Quanzhou theater increasingly apparent its important position. It is no surprise that several cultural directors mentioned that Quanzhou’s theater industry likes to use “half of the country” to describe its weight in Fujian’s drama industry.