
来源 :宁波经济(财经视点) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccysshucc
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围绕发展大桥经济,已成为杭州湾地区又一新热点。同时,大桥经济所面临的区域发展趋势、发展基础及当前发展中存在的问题,也要求我们必须走统筹发展、协调发展、集约发展、可持续发展道路。根据我市大桥经济发展的现实态势,近阶段应着重加强以下几方面的谋划:要加强统筹规划。要按照区域统筹发展要求,着眼于市域经济发展全局,明确区域发展目标和功能布局,对大桥经济辐射圈内的资源、人口、产业、城市及生态进行统一规划,打破县域“小而全”的发展格局,建立起布局集中、分工合理、优势互补、建设有序的区域规划体系,指导大桥经济发展全局。结合正在编制的十五规划,近期要抓住基础设施、 Around the development of the bridge economy, Hangzhou Bay has become a new hot spot. At the same time, the development trend of the region’s economy, the foundation for its development and the existing problems in its development also require that we must take the path of overall development, coordinated development, intensive development and sustainable development. According to the actual situation of the economic development of the city’s bridge, the recent stage should focus on strengthening the planning of the following areas: To strengthen the overall planning. In accordance with the requirements of regional overall development, we should focus on the overall economic development in the urban area, specify the objectives and functional layout of regional development, and make unified planning for the resources, population, industry, cities and ecology in the economic circle of the bridge, "Development pattern, set up a centralized layout, reasonable division of labor, complement each other and build an orderly regional planning system to guide the overall economic development of the bridge. Combined with the preparation of the fifteen plan, the recent seize the infrastructure,
Chlorobenzoic Acids are toxic organic compounds largely distributed in soils and sediments. They can be degraded to various products by microorgans. This paper
为评价氧驱动雾化吸入控制婴幼儿哮喘急性发作的临床效果及安全性 ,探讨婴幼儿哮喘急性发作时的最佳控制方案 ,将220例婴幼儿哮喘急性发作的病儿分治疗组(120例) ,对照组(100
近日,《中国青年报》有篇文章提出了一个问题:“有些不明白的是,为什么这几年国家的 GDP 一直都往上涨,可(大学毕业的)同学们感受到的却是工作越来越不好找?”其实,这个谜并