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前不久,我市召开了贯彻执行《干部任用条例》五周年工作座谈会,中组部干部监督局也来我市召开了干部监督工作调研座谈会,市委常委、组织部长吕锡文同志在两次会议上总结了我市贯彻执行《干部任用条例》的总体情况和工作特点,强调下一阶段在干部监督方面要重点做好以下几个方面的工作:一是进一步加强《干部任用条例》的学习宣传,不断增强各级领导干部学习贯彻《干部任用条例》的责任感和自觉性。二是要进一步营造加强干部监督工作的良好环境和条件,真正落实党员群众的知情权、参与权、选择权和监督权。三是要进一步加强对《干部任用条例》贯彻执行情况的监督检查,不断加大对违规违纪行为的查处力度,确保《干部任用条例》的贯彻执行真正落到实处。四是要开展科学规范和有效监督区县委书记用人行为的调研试点工作,切实加强对“一把手”监督。五是要进一步加强日常监督,不断健全干部监督工作机制。六是要进一步加强对干部监督工作重点难点问题的调查研究,研究推广干部选拔任用工作全程纪实制度,探索建立干部选拔任用工作责任追究制度。东城、丰台、大兴、怀柔、延庆5个区县委书记也在中组部调研座谈会上分别从干部监督工作的不同角度做了汇报。为进一步推进干部监督工作,加强对领导干部和干部选拔任用工作的监督,现将5个区县委书记的汇报材料摘要刊发,以资各区县局级单位学习、借鉴。 Not long ago, the city held a symposium on implementing the work of the fifth anniversary of the “Regulations on the appointment of Officials”. The Supervision Bureau of the Central Organization Department also came to our city to hold a symposium on the investigation and study of cadre work. Comrade Lu Xiwen, member of the Municipal Committee and Organization Department, Summed up the city to implement the “Regulations on the appointment of cadres,” the overall situation and characteristics of work, emphasizing the next phase in the supervision of cadres should focus on doing the following aspects: First, to further strengthen the “Cadre Appointment Regulations,” the study and promotion , And continuously enhance the sense of responsibility and conscientiousness of leading cadres at all levels in studying and implementing the Regulations on the Appointment of Officials. Second, we must further create a good environment and conditions for strengthening cadre supervision and really implement the right to information, participation, choice and supervision of party members and masses. Third, we must further strengthen the supervision and inspection of the implementation of the “Regulations on the appointment and removal of cadres,” and continuously intensify the investigation and punishment of violations of laws and disciplines so as to ensure that the implementation of the “Regulations on the appointment and removal of cadres” is actually implemented. Fourth, it is necessary to carry out scientific and standardized supervision of county party committees and effective use of personnel investigation and pilot work, and effectively strengthen the “top leaders” supervision. Fifth, we must further strengthen day-to-day supervision and continuously improve the cadre supervision mechanism. Sixthly, we must further strengthen the investigation and study of key and difficult issues concerning the work of supervising and supervising cadres, study and promote the entire documentary system of appointment and appointment of cadres, and explore the establishment of a responsibility investigation system for the selection and appointment of cadres. Dongcheng, Fengtai, Daxing, Huairou, Yanqing five county party secretary also in the Central Organization Department research seminar respectively from different angles of cadre supervision made a report. In order to further promote the work of supervising the work of cadres and supervise the work of selecting and appointing leading cadres and cadres, a summary of the materials submitted by the party secretary of the five districts is published in order to learn from the units at the district level and county level.
〖7月4日讯〗教育部7月4日在清华大学召开“我爱我的祖国”大学生基层建功立业座谈会。中共中央政治局委员、国务委员刘延东亲切接见座谈会上发言的6位学生代表,她勉励学生脚踏实地,从现在做起,从基层做起,深入企业、深入农村、深入部队,走与人民群众相结合的道路,奉献自己的智慧和青春,为祖国和人民作出更大的贡献。  教育部党组书记、部长周济在会上以“到祖国和人民最需要的地方建功立业”为题,发表了重要讲话。周