半个世纪前A .Jost ,这位性分化研究的先驱者通过一连串实验指出 :哺乳动物包括人类的整个机体除性腺外 ,大自然已设计好以女性作为底板 ,这就是说 ,不管机体的核性别是XX ,还是XY ,如果没有睾丸存在 ,都将发育成为女性[1] 。男性的发育完全由睾丸指导。目前知道中枢
Half a century ago A.Jost, a pioneer of sex differentiation research, pointed out through a series of experiments that mammals, including human beings as a whole, except for the gonads, have been designed with the feminine as the floor, which means that no matter the body’s nucleus Sex is XX, or XY, if there is no testicle, will develop into a female [1]. Male development is entirely guided by the testes. Currently know the hub