流量经济时代 只有守住用户才能“抓住”资本的心

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今年年初,社交类网站人人网宣布关闭站内信,一时间,关于人人网即将谢幕的谣言四起。近日,人人公司公布的截至到2015年3月31日的第一季度未经审计财务报告显示,人人网净营收1370万美元,同比下降41%,净亏损2760万美元,去年同期为净利润3230万美元。人人网的业绩显然已经让股东们焦躁不安了,投资人之一杰瑞·杰富瑞甚至在分析师会议上直接向人人网CEO陈一舟开炮:你为何还不辞职?与目前人人网尴尬境地不同的是,几年前,当人人网还叫做“校内网”的时候,其拥有大量用户的支持。作为中 Earlier this year, all kinds of social networking sites Renren announced the closure of the letter, for a time, rumors about Renren upcoming curtain four. Recently, Renren released its unaudited financial report for the first quarter ended March 31, 2015. Renren Net revenue was $ 13.7 million, a decrease of 41% from the same period of last year with a net loss of $ 27.6 million. The same period of last year was Net profit of 32.3 million US dollars. Renren’s performance apparently has so that shareholders are restless, and one of the investors Jerry Jefferies and even analysts at the analyst directly Ren Ren Ren CEO Chen Yizhou: Why do you not resign? And the current Renren Embarrassing situation is different, a few years ago, when all network is also called “school network ”, it has a large number of users support. As
出版社:中信出版社定价:45.00元该书被称之为一位传奇的创投教父,一部开启秘密的商业之作,一部事关所有人的生存哲学。以作者蒂尔为首的“Pay Pal黑帮”开创了硅谷的新格局,
一、填空题  1.我们从水中提起一桶水比在空气中提起这桶水感觉_(填“轻”或“重”),这说明浸在水中的物体会受到水的_______作用,此力的方向是_______的,施力物体是_______.  2.物理兴趣小组的一位同学利用一个可乐瓶与一个乒乓球做“探究浮力产生的原因”的实验,如图1所示,将可乐瓶底部剪去,把乒乓球放在瓶内(瓶颈的直径略小于球的直径),从上面倒入水,观察到几乎没有水从乒乓球与瓶颈