尽管早在1985年中国就发现了首例艾滋病毒感染者,但这种被视为“世纪瘟疫”的疾病,从来没有像今年这样引起整个社会的重视。 获得性免疫缺陷综合症——就在很多人还不清楚AIDS这四个简单字母的真正含意时,艾滋病已经悄然在中国大地上蔓延。12月1日,“世界艾滋病日”前夕,中国政府第一次公开坦承:中国目前有100万感染者,其中,10万人已被夺走生命。20万人正游走在死亡的边缘。而去年,对外宣布的数字是:60万。涨幅竟高达66%。 “这意味着什么?”小李,一位艾滋病毒携带者,同时也是一家艾滋病民间关怀机构的
Although the first case of HIV infection was discovered in China back in 1985, this disease, which is considered a “century-old plague,” has never caused the whole community’s attention this year. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - Just as many people are still not clear about the true meaning of the four simple letters of AIDS, AIDS has quietly spread on the land of China. On the eve of World AIDS Day on December 1, for the first time, the Chinese government publicly admits that there are currently 1 million infected people in China, of whom 100,000 have been taken away from their lives. 200,000 people are walking on the brink of death. Last year, the number announced was: 600,000. Rose actually up to 66%. “What does this mean?” Xiao Li, an HIV carrier and an HIV / AIDS NGO