1 病历摘要今年我科为 2例左肾上腺巨大无功能性皮质腺癌患者成功实施了摘除手术。报道如下。例 1,男 ,6 0岁。因左上腹间歇性胀痛 10年 ,加重7d入院。既往否认“高血压”、“糖尿病”及其他病史。入院前 1月进行性消瘦 ,体重减轻约 6 0kg。体查 ;T36 6℃ ,P86次 /min ,R2 0
1 medical records Abstract This year, our department successfully performed two cases of left adrenal gigantic nonfunctioning cortical adenocarcinoma. Reported as follows. Example 1, male, 60 years old. Due to intermittent intermittent pain in the left upper quadrant 10 years, increased 7d admission. Previously denied “high blood pressure”, “diabetes” and other medical history. January before admission, weight loss, weight loss about 60kg. Physical examination; T36 6 ℃, P86 times / min, R2 0