近年来,贵州水城军分区认真组织军分区和人武部两级党委机关,以及全区民兵预备役人员,深入学习邓小平理论,坚持用理论观点回答和解决现实重大问题,用学习成果指导工作实践,取得了明显成效。 思想认识逐步深化,学习行动更加自觉。军分区党委针对不同阶段出现的思想反映,反复抓,抓反复,不解决问题不撒手。通过不间断地抓教育动员,较好地克服了学理论“不实惠”、“不管用”、“远水解不了近渴”等模糊认识,加深了对邓小平理论的历史地位和指导意义的认识,增强了学习的自觉
In recent years, the Guizhou Shicheng Military Region conscientiously organized the party committees and departments at both the military divisions and the armed forces departments as well as the reserve militiamen in the region to study Deng Xiaoping Theory in depth, answer and solve major realistic problems with theoretical points of view, guide the work practice with the learning achievements, and obtain Significant results. Gradual deepening of ideological and learning activities more consciously. Army district party committee for different stages of the thinking reflected, repeatedly caught, repeated, do not solve the problem. Through uninterrupted efforts in education mobilization, it has overcome the vague understanding of the theory of “non-benefit”, “no use” and “far-reaching solution” so as to deepen the understanding of the historical status and guiding significance of Deng Xiaoping Theory. Enhance learning self-awareness