一、离休人员的医疗待遇 _.1、离休人员医疗待遇现状 离休是我国干部退休制度的一种特殊形式,是党中央、国务院为妥善解决新老干部的交替,对建国前参加革命工作、并符合离休条件的老干部,由国家给予从优安置的一种制度。关于干部离休制度,目前执行的主要文件是《国务院关于老干部离职修养制度的几项规定》(国发[1982]62号)。办理离休手续的条件可归纳为两个方面:一是参加革命工作的时间;二是年龄条件。干部离休后,政治待遇不变,生活待遇(包括医疗待遇)略为从优。
First, the medical treatment of retired staff _.1, the status quo retired medical treatment Retired cadres in our country is a special form of retirement system, the Central Party Committee and the State Council to properly solve the alternation of new and old cadres, to join the revolutionary work before the founding of the PRC, and in line with Retired cadres of the conditions, given by the state a system of good placement. With regard to the system of retirement of cadres, the main document currently being implemented is the “Several Provisions of the State Council on the System of Resigning and Repairing Old Cadres” (Guo Fa [1982] No. 62). The conditions for handling the retired procedure can be summed up in two aspects: one is the time to participate in the revolutionary work; the other is the age condition. After the cadres retired, their political treatment remained unchanged. Their living treatment (including medical treatment) was slightly favored.