2001-2002年研究氮肥对垂穗披碱草(E lym us nutans)种子产量和质量的影响。结果表明:施氮量以120 kg/hm2(秋60+春60)的效果最好,种子产量达1856 kg/hm2;施氮肥可提高生殖枝数、小花数/小穗、可育小花数/小穗和种子千粒重,但对小穗数/生殖枝影响不显著;施氮肥能提高早期成熟种子的发芽率、芽长、芽重及酸性磷酸脂酶的活性。
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the yield and quality of seeds of E lym us nutans during 2001-2002. The results showed that the best nitrogen application rate was 120 kg / hm2 (Qiu 60 + Chun 60), and the seed yield was 1856 kg / hm2. Nitrogen fertilization could increase the number of reproductive branchlets, the number of florets per plant, Spikelets and seeds of 1000-grain weight, but the number of spikelets / reproductive branch insignificant; nitrogen fertilizer can improve the early mature seeds germination rate, bud length, shoot weight and acid phosphatase activity.