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家庭是孩子的第一所学校,也是孩子一生要就读的历时最长的学校。父母作为孩子的第一任启蒙老师,其责任之重大不言而喻。然而,在家庭教育中,由于父母和孩子思维方式等的不同,造成亲子关系中简单的日常听与说都会产生彼此不理解,进而影响亲子关系。本文将从如何倾听和如何诉说着手谈论如何将听与说的艺术运用到亲子沟通中,从而加深父母与孩子相互间更深层次的了解以求达到更好的家庭教育效果、构建良好的亲子关系。 The family is the child’s first school and the longest-lasting school in which children spend their lives. Parents as children’s first enlightenment teacher, its major responsibility is self-evident. However, in family education, due to the different ways of thinking of parents and children, simple everyday listening and speaking in parent-child relationship can cause each other to fail to understand each other and thus affect the parent-child relationship. This article will discuss how to listen to and how to talk about how to apply the art of listening and speaking to parent-child communication so as to deepen the mutual understanding between parents and children in order to achieve better family education and build a good parent-child relationship.
根据汉语拼音学习的课标要求,结合教学实际,笔者探寻了部编本教材的汉语拼音教学的策略,以期与老师们探讨。  策略一:用好、用活教材  用活情境图,指的是在使用情境图的时候,不能仅仅局限于示音示形上,而是要充分利用情境图表示完整的故事情节的特点,培养学生多方面的良好习惯,训练学生的口语表达能力。如:ang、eng、ing、ong的教学,引导学生结合画面想象说故事:晚上,妈妈在哄妹妹睡觉,妈妈一边唱歌,